On May 6, the creative team of the Samarkand regional musical drama theater will bring to the attention of the audience the musical comedy "Stubborn mother-in-law" written by playwright Sanjarali Imomov. Skilled director Iskandar Sultanov staged the main roles in this play, such as Guliston Jabbarova, Charos Mardonova, Iskandar Sultanov, Mashrab Bekmurodov, Shohsanam Oblokhlova, Farogat Joraeva, Sarvinoz Saitova, Khurshid Barotov, Fazliddin Bolikulov, and Farid Rasulov. Conductor - Oktam Tilavov. The performance starts at 13.00 in the afternoon and at 18.00 in the evening. THANKS FOR WATCHING
Samarkand regional
theater of musical Drama
Address Samarkand city, Kuk saroy square 3
Telephone: (93)353-67-06, (97)577-67-06
E-mail: samteatr@bk.ru