The team of the Samarkand regional musical drama theater will make a creative trip to the cities of Shymkent, Sayram and Turkestan in Kazakhstan on September. 9.06.2023

The team of the Samarkand regional musical drama theater will make a creative trip to the cities of Shymkent, Sayram and Turkestan in Kazakhstan on September.

The team of the Samarkand regional musical drama theater will make a creative trip to the cities of Shymkent, Sayram and Turkestan in Kazakhstan on September. In this regard, theater director Iskandar Sultanov visited the city of Shymkent and met with the leadership of the Association of Uzbeks of Kazakhstan. He got to know the performers of Shymkent and Sayram city theaters.


Samarkand regional
theater of musical Drama
Address Samarkand city, Kuk saroy square 3
Telephone: (93)353-67-06, (97)577-67-06

Самарканд вилояти мусикали драма театри

2025 ©
Samarkand regional
theater of musical Drama

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