Respect for teachers ... 18.11.2021

Respect for teachers ...

In collaboration with the Samarkand Regional Musical Drama Theater and the Samarkand Specialized School of Arts, on November 17 this year in the "Concert Hall" in Samarkand, the theater and the school have been working for several years master teachers, skilled and talented musicians Iskhakov The 70th anniversary night of Eduard Grigorevich (violin) and Dumbadze Dariko Alexandrovna (trumpet) will be held. Director of the Samarkand Specialized School of Arts Khamdamov Khubbim Khamdamovich and director of the Samarkand Regional Musical Drama Theater Karjov Kamoliddin Rakhmonovich congratulated the masters on their 70th birthday. Our teachers Eduard Iskhakov and Dariko Dumbadze were awarded certificates of honor, letters of thanks and congratulations, as well as souvenirs from the Samarkand Regional Department of Culture, Samarkand Specialized Art School and the Samarkand Regional Musical Drama Theater. Songs and melodies performed by the symphony orchestra and soloists added to the mood of the evening. Photos from the 70th anniversary of Iskhakov Eduard Grigorevich (violin) and Dumbadze Dariko Alexandrovna (trumpet) Anniversary party General leaders: Kamoliddin Karjovov and Khubbim Khamdamov. Scriptwriter and stage director - Muhammadrasul Mamadamin-zoda; Artistic Director - Farogat Jorayeva; Conductor - Uktam Tilavov; Sound operator - Shavkat Ibragimov; Projector Engineer - Nizom Qosimov; Moderators - Azizjon Muminov and Elvira Yemelyanova.


Samarkand regional
theater of musical Drama
Address Samarkand city, Kuk saroy square 3
Telephone: (93)353-67-06, (97)577-67-06

Самарканд вилояти мусикали драма театри

2025 ©
Samarkand regional
theater of musical Drama

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