107 season opening 03.10.21 4.10.2021

107 season opening 03.10.21

On October 3 of this year in the "Concert Hall" of the "Samarkand Specialized School of Arts" was held a creative evening dedicated to the opening ceremony of the "Samarkand regional musical drama theater" "107th season". At the opening of the "107th season" was a concert program "Welcome to Samarkand" prepared by the director Muhammadrasul Mamadamin-zoda with the participation of the symphony orchestra, choir and dance groups of the Samarkand regional musical drama theater. During the event, master artists working in the theater were awarded letters of appreciation and souvenirs "For their contribution to the development of theatrical art."

The staging director is - Muhammadrasul Mamadamin-zoda

Conductor - Uktam Tilavov

Choirmaster - Azizjon Muminov

Choreographer - Madinakhon Ergasheva

Assistant director - Onabibi Mardiyeva

The leader of the troupe is - Farid Rasulov

The hosts of the program are - Gozal Kurbanova. Behruz Qurbonaliyev


Samarkand regional
theater of musical Drama
Address Samarkand city, Kuk saroy square 3
Telephone: (93)353-67-06, (97)577-67-06
E-mail: samteatr@bk.ru

Самарканд вилояти мусикали драма театри

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Samarkand regional
theater of musical Drama

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