Аctors of the regional musical drama theater Farid Rasulov, Joraek Yorkulov and Alijon Hasanov performed a scene called "Emergence of the Red Crescent International Movement" 30.05.2023

Аctors of the regional musical drama theater Farid Rasulov, Joraek Yorkulov and Alijon Hasanov performed a scene called


At the event "Muruvvat yuragimda" held by the Samarkand regional organization of the Red Crescent Society of Uzbekistan, actors of the regional musical drama theater Farid Rasulov, Joraek Yorkulov and Alijon Hasanov performed a scene called "Emergence of the Red Crescent International Movement". they showed.


Samarkand regional
theater of musical Drama
Address Samarkand city, Kuk saroy square 3
Telephone: (93)353-67-06, (97)577-67-06
E-mail: samteatr@bk.ru

Самарканд вилояти мусикали драма театри

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Samarkand regional
theater of musical Drama

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