"Come, my youth, be the golden word of my heart full of music"
Azizjon MUMINOV, master choirmaster of the Samarkand Regional Musical Drama Theater.
Elbek BOYMATOV, a talented young actor of the Samarkand Regional Musical Drama Theater.
Talented dancers of the Samarkand Regional Musical Drama Theater Kunduzkhon Mukimova and Visola Butaeva.
Skilled actresses of Samarkand Regional Musical Drama Theater Hilola Eshonkulova and Dilnavo Shermatova.
Talented choreographer of Samarkand Regional Musical Drama Theater Madinahon Ergasheva
Talented actor of Samarkand regional musical-drama theater Jamshid SOBIROV.
Samarkand regional
theater of musical Drama
Address Samarkand city, Kuk saroy square 3
Telephone: (93)353-67-06, (97)577-67-06
E-mail: samteatr@bk.ru