"Abdullah Kodyri - From the treasury of Uzbek literature" 13.10.2021

Together with the Samarkand Regional Musical Drama Theater and the Samarkand Regional Russian Drama Theater, on October 12 this year, a concert was held in the hall of the Regional Russian Drama Theater - "Abdullah Kodyri - From the treasury of Uzbek literature" dedicated to the life and work of the poet and writer, playwright and publicist, the founder of the novel. genre in Uzbek literature. Within the framework of the event, performances of the theater of musical drama based on the novel by Abdulla Kadiri "Scorpion from the altar", as well as "Days gone by" based on the novel by Abdulla Qadiri, performed by the Russian Drama Theater took place.

The cultural and educational event was attended by literary critics, poets and writers, publicists, and journalists, who noted the work of Abdullah Qadiri.


Samarkand regional
theater of musical Drama
Address Samarkand city, Kuk saroy square 3
Telephone: (93)353-67-06, (97)577-67-06
E-mail: samteatr@bk.ru

Самарканд вилояти мусикали драма театри

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Samarkand regional
theater of musical Drama

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