The next premiere took place at the Samarkand Regional Music and Drama Theater on February 27 at 18:00. The comedy "The Lone Star" was well received by the public. The play “The Widow's Mafia” - the vigor, pain and courage of three classmates and close friends sometimes made the audience laugh and sometimes even think. In the play, the simple realities of a person, regardless of his age, deserve attention, love and love, are explained by the wonderful, skillful actions of the actors. We are sure that “Lonely Star” will become one of the most popular performances from the theater’s repertoire. The most enjoyable thing for an actor is the applause of the audience.
Samarqand viloyati
musiqali drama teatri
Manzil Samarqand shahri, Ko'q saroy maydoni 3 uy
Telefon: (93)353-67-06, (97)577-67-06