PHOTO COMPILATION Talented artists of the regional musical drama theater such as Azod Kurbanov, Husen Mahmudov, Elnur Erniyozov, Navro'z Tojiev, Miraziz Rahmatov and Obid Kucharov took part in the "fig sale" held in the "Boghibaland tourism neighborhood" i 7.09.2023

PHOTO COMPILATION Talented artists of the regional musical drama theater such as Azod Kurbanov, Husen Mahmudov, Elnur Erniyozov, Navro'z Tojiev, Miraziz Rahmatov and Obid Kucharov took part in the

PHOTO COMPILATION Talented artists of the regional musical drama theater such as Azod Kurbanov, Husen Mahmudov, Elnur Erniyozov, Navro'z Tojiev, Miraziz Rahmatov and Obid Kucharov took part in the "fig sale" held in the "Boghibaland tourism neighborhood" in Samarkand.


Samarqand viloyati
musiqali drama teatri
Manzil Samarqand shahri, Ko'q saroy maydoni 3 uy
Telefon: (93)353-67-06, (97)577-67-06

Самарканд вилояти мусикали драма театри

2025 ©
Samarqand viloyati
musiqali drama teatri

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