On June 11, the creators of the regional musical drama theater presented the comedy "Painter" (the work of the famous Turkish dramatist T. Jojanoglu) staged by Munavarra Abdullaeva, a youth coach who served in Uzbekistan, so that the participants of the "S 17.06.2023

On June 11, the creators of the regional musical drama theater presented the comedy

On June 11, the creators of the regional musical drama theater presented the comedy "Painter" (the work of the famous Turkish dramatist T. Jojanoglu) staged by Munavarra Abdullaeva, a youth coach who served in Uzbekistan, so that the participants of the "School of Courage" training camp held in the Samarkand garrison could have a pleasant evening.


Samarqand viloyati
musiqali drama teatri
Manzil Samarqand shahri, Ko'q saroy maydoni 3 uy
Telefon: (93)353-67-06, (97)577-67-06
E-mail: samteatr@bk.ru

Самарканд вилояти мусикали драма театри

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musiqali drama teatri

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