"Layli and Majnun" performance 22.01.2022

"Layli and Majnun" performance

December 30, 1916 at the Colosseum Theater (Tashkent) in collaboration with the musical theater troupe led by the famous Azerbaijani theater actor and director Sidqi Ruhillo (son of Ruhillo Fatali) "Layli and Majnun" (based on the epic Fuzuli) musical drama (opera) ) is displayed. The libretto was translated from Azerbaijani into Uzbek by Avloni and directed by S. Ruhillo. The main roles were played by Sidqi Ruhillo (Majnun), Durriyakhanim (Layli), Abdulla Avloni (Malu), A. Muharramov (Navfal), Nizomiddin Khojaev, Farid Tohiri, Yusuf Aliyev. According to Miyon Buzruk Salihov, 1935, the first Uzbek actress, Masuma Qorieva, also took part in the play. In the photo: participants of the play "Layli and Majnun".


Samarqand viloyati
musiqali drama teatri
Manzil Samarqand shahri, Ko'q saroy maydoni 3 uy
Telefon: (93)353-67-06, (97)577-67-06
E-mail: samteatr@bk.ru

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musiqali drama teatri

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